Thursday, April 16, 2009

How to low carb

Some people have a real hard time figuring out how to lose weight, and when I talk to them about low carb living, they really get confused.

Most of us are nutrition illiterates. I was until I started reading articles like What if its all a big fat lie and the Soft Science of Dietary Fat by Gary Taubes. I also read his book, Good Calories, Bad Calories. What a revelation.

Then I bought a few books on metabolism that would be termed texts. And I got some from the library. I think I understand more about how my body works.

It is the why that most of my friends and colleagues don't get. "Aren't carbs good for you?" and "They are low fat." Well, no and yes. They are low fat. But they make you fat. They make your body store fat.

My kids (all adults) now understand about the few good carbs, all whole grain or super complex carbs which are relatively low GI. I tell them the trick is to eat as few of them as you can manage. Two of them go on South Beach from time to time, with some success.

In Canada, the expected intake of carbs is about 300g per day. Way too much. I try and stay around 50 g, from my breakfast cereal and bits of other things during the day. I know a lot of people who would probably eat 500g of carbs a day because they love a big serving of low fat potatoes or rice with supper.

And we eat way too much. Those of us who don't dig ditches for a living really need to eat more like birds.

It's an ongoing struggle, for sure, but low carb does work.

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