Friday, January 16, 2009

Even Harvard guys like low carb

It's refreshing to read and hear that Harvard, Duke and other high quality universities are finally on the low carb track.

Most of the foods that we should eat are low carb. For example, beets, cabbage, swiss chard (I don't like it and my mom tries to get me to eat some fresh from her garden every fall), cinnamon, plums/prunes, pumpkin, sardines, blueberries....

Convenience foods aren't good for us. They are just convenient. We need more biochemistry, nutrition, physiology discussions on the blog sphere, so that people get the facts.

We've only been cultivating grains for about 7000 years, folks. They are not part of our nutritional history long enough that our body knows what to do with them other than to turn them to glucose, which of course is bad news.

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